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How to Better Install Commercial Solar Panels

Commercial solar panels, also known as commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, are solar panel installations specifically designed for commercial or industrial buildings, businesses, and institutions. Unlike residential solar panels that are installed on homes, commercial solar panels are larger in scale and are typically installed on rooftops or ground-mounted systems. This article will provide you with some advice to ensure a successful installation of commercial solar panels.

14 Tips for a Successful Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Site assessment

Conduct a thorough site assessment to determine the solar potential of the location. Consider factors such as solar access, shading, roof orientation, and structural integrity. This will help optimize the design and placement of the solar panels.

System design

Work with a professional solar installer or engineer to design the system based on your energy needs and available space. The design should take into account factors like panel capacity, inverter sizing, wiring, and system monitoring.

Permitting and regulations

Understand and comply with local regulations and obtain the necessary permits for the installation. This may include building permits, zoning approvals, and interconnection agreements with the utility company.

Quality components

Use high-quality solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, and other components. Opt for reputable manufacturers and products that meet industry standards and have a proven track record.

Professional installation

Hire experienced and certified installers who are knowledgeable about the commercial solar panel installation. They should follow best industry practices, adhere to safety guidelines, and ensure proper electrical connections and waterproofing.

Efficient wiring and connection

Ensure that the solar panels are properly wired together and connected to the electrical system. This includes inverters, electrical panels, and utility metering systems. Proper wiring and connection minimize power losses and maximize system efficiency.

System monitoring

Install a monitoring system that allows you to track the performance of the solar panels in real-time. This helps identify any issues or underperformance, enabling timely maintenance and optimization.

Ongoing maintenance

Develop an ongoing maintenance plan for the solar panels. This includes regular inspections, cleaning, and potential repairs. Monitoring system performance regularly and addressing any issues promptly is crucial for optimal energy generation.

Performance evaluation

Periodically evaluate the performance of the solar panels against the expected energy generation. This helps identify any performance degradation or potential improvements that can be made to enhance the system’s efficiency.

Optimal panel orientation and tilt

Determine the optimal panel orientation and tilt angle to maximize solar exposure and energy generation. This is typically based on the geographical location and local climate conditions. Adjusting the panel tilt angle seasonally can further optimize energy production.

Proper roof preparation

Ensure that the roof where the solar panels will be installed is in good condition. Repair any existing roof damage or leaks before the installation. Consider reinforcing the roof structure if needed to accommodate the weight of the solar panels.

Ground mount considerations

If a ground-mounted system is being installed, pay attention to factors such as soil conditions, foundation design, and proper grounding for safety and stability. Adequate drainage and leveling of the site are also crucial for long-term system performance.

System commissioning

Once the installation is complete, perform a thorough commissioning process to verify that the system is functioning as intended. This includes checking electrical connections, conducting performance tests, and configuring monitoring systems.

Regular performance monitoring

Continuously monitor the performance of the solar system to identify any performance issues, such as shading, equipment malfunctions, or suboptimal energy generation. Regular monitoring allows for timely troubleshooting and maintenance to maximize system efficiency.


By following these guidelines and working with experienced professionals, you can ensure a smooth and efficient installation of commercial solar panels that maximizes the energy production and benefits of your system.